Make the Online World
Safe for Selfies

With the digital landscape and AI evolving at record speed, P.I.C.’s first campaign, the “Safe Selfie Campaign” seeks to address the growing issue of online photo abuse.

Impact in numbers

1 in 5
Americans are victims of photo abuse
Know someone who has had an image abused
Millions of selfies posted every day on social media
Of image abuse results from unauthorized impersonation.

About the Safe Selfie Campaign

Families take and share an extraordinary number of photos each year. P.I.C. calls parents’ attention to the possible abuse of the photos they share - especially selfies taken and shared by their children - and we are encouraging parents to also think about how to safeguard their kids’ digital well-being as they navigate the online world.

Protect Your Kids from Digital Kidnapping

Digital kidnapping is a form of identity theft that occurs when a stranger steals a photo of a minor from the internet and posts the photo to their own account as if it is theirs. These digital kidnappers can range from teenagers who want to roleplay as a parent by posting stolen photos of young children, to cyber criminals who might use these photos to prey on children by creating fake accounts to get close to them, which can lead to real-life child abduction. Len Edwards, the Director of the Commission of Missing and Exploited Children, warns that these photos can even be altered to create child pornography: “They can take those pictures and they can take them and manipulate them, and shadow them and put clothes on them and take clothes off of them.”

Be mindful of what and where you share, and monitor where and how your photos are used.

Cathy Pedrayes, National Spokesperson for P.I.C.

“Parents need to know that sharing photos of their celebrations online can quickly become a digital nightmare for families,” said Cathy Pedrayes, online safety expert and National Chairperson for P.I.C. “Image abuse affects 1 in 5 Americans and it’s important for parents to know where their kids’ selfies end up after they share them,” added Ms. Pedrayes

Pofile picture of African American Woman

Join the fight

Help us make sure there are legislative and technical protections for our families' photos and videos online.  Periodically we'll send you information about how to keep your family safe, and how to join the call for new laws to protect family imagery.

We are serious about your privacy. We don't sell or disclose email addresses. See privacy policy.

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Be part of the movement

Join us in protecting the security of our loved ones’ images online.

Join the Fight
Pictures Album of families, parents and kidspicture album of families, interracial